Issue 11 - December 2023

In the spirit of the season of giving, we want to help you help moms.

As a provider, you’re no stranger to the stressors of the season. Or how these stressors can impact moms dealing with substance use disorder. We want to help you connect moms to the many layers of support available – from treatment options to community support.

In this issue, we introduce two organizations working to meet moms exactly where they’re at. Whether supporting moms in a rural area or moms with access to urban resources, one thing remains clear: the care and compassion provided by providers like you makes all the difference. We also introduce you to Joy, a mom whose substance misuse started as a teen. Despite misdiagnosis of a mental health condition and PTSD, her connection with peers and providers who cared made a difference. Now, she’s a shining example who personifies this fact: moms DO recover. Moms recover, and sometimes they become the person who helps others find their own path to recovery.