Issue 6 - May 2022


While the month of May can mean family time and happiness for lots of moms, for many others it is an especially difficult time. Coping with the stressors of being a mom or dealing with relationship issues with their own mother can make May miserable. Instead of focusing on “Happy Mother’s Day” sentiments this month, Tough as a Mother created a “How Tough is a Month?” campaign to encourage moms to take a pledge to focus on their own self-care for the month and to not turn to drugs or alcohol to cope. Providers, we hope you’ll encourage moms you are in contact with to consider taking the pledge to #TakeABreak from drugs and alcohol. When they take the pledge at, they’ll receive a code to access Expectful – an app that supports their self-care – free for 30 days.

As we encourage moms to take the pledge, we also are aware of the need for them to focus on and get support for their mental health as well as their physical well-being. One of the things we hear repeatedly from moms who are newly sober, or working to get there, is their apprehension about how to find new social circles and how to learn to replace negative activities with healthy, positive ones that will feed and support their mental wellness. In this newsletter, we’ll introduce you to an organization that is dedicated to mental health care for moms in recovery, two organizations that offer sober social options, and a mom who tells her story first-hand.

This month, and every month, thank you for all you do to help moms who are working so hard to help themselves and their families live a healthier, happier life.