Issue 8 - December 2022

This time of year can be less than jolly (and exceedingly difficult) for moms who are dealing with substance use disorder. Really, the stressors of the holidays can send any mom into overload. But it’s also the time of year when moms who are struggling might be most open to seeking help, deciding to get care, or being willing to ask providers like you for advice on where to turn. This is when referrals and partnerships to connect moms to resources are so important. From helping them understand treatment options, to knowing where to connect them to resources in their community for childcare, transportation, access to food, and more – you can be the one person who gets her connected to the very things she needs to be her best, healthiest self during the holidays and beyond.

In this newsletter, we introduce you to organizations who are lifesaving, life-changing connectors for moms. They are welcoming, nonjudgmental resources who understand the unique needs (and fears) of moms with substance use disorder and offer not only expertise and trusted services, but a safe place for moms to seek help for themselves and their children.

Recovery can happen at any stage of life, from pregnancy – to moms with children at home to “grown and flown.” No matter when she reaches out, or comes in contact with you and your team, her success and health depend on providers listening, having empathy and compassion, and being willing to find the resources that will meet her where she is and help her move forward.

Help us get the word out to moms that there are a variety of services, organizations and caring people ready for them this holiday season. Download our Social Media Toolkit.